NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Third Annual Reception and Hxhibit of Recent Progress in Science in the American Museum of Natural History March 26th 1896 Conmnittees. Honorary Committee of Members. ADDISON BROWN, MORRIS KK JESUP; CHARLES) PDAEY, SETH LOW, WILLIAM E. DODGE, J. PIERPONT MORGAN, Bol. GODKIN, OSWALD OTTENDORFER, ABRAM S. HEWITT, WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN. Reception and Exhibition Committee. J. J. STEVENSON, President of the Acadeyty. J. A. ALLEN, CHARLES F. COX, Ny Le BRITTON, WILLIAM HALLOCK, HENRY F. OSBORN, Chazrman. _ Special Committee of Arrangements. J. L. WORTMAN, HERBERT T. WADE. General Committee Puysics: WILLIAM HALLOCK anp HERBERT T. WADE, Evectricity: M. I. PUPIN. PHOTOGRAPHY: CORNELIUS VAN BRUNT. CHEMISTRY: MORRIS LOEB AnD C. E. PELLEW. Astronomy: HAROLD JACOBY. an eee SUE 2 * Be oh G4 Sh at , ie ?t an j Asta] he , ae Pes : ra C7, Dire i) af Rec ArH Mi GP | Mi like lL anthiaapa : 7 x He iy” Somme ° ‘ 7 Acs) hee , SUUU, Ca Eo ey 1 eae “DA Gy at if - ays . a on